Reports & Publications

If you are the author of an existing publication and would like to share it on the RMCC website, please click here.

If you are seeking the assistance of our Review Board to publish your research in a journal or elsewhere, please click here.

Outstanding publication of the year

The RMCC Review Board selects an outstanding publication each year from RMCC members. To learn more about it, click here.

The spatial distribution of the concentration of uranium and thorium for AL-Ramadi city / Anbar province 2017-08-23

Mohammed JASIM

Published by RMCC members

The spatial distribution of the concentration of uranium and thorium for AL-Ramadi city / Anbar province 2017-08-23

Mohammed JASIM

Exposure rate in the air to Eliminate the center of Tikrit 2017-04-09

Mohammed Jassim Mohammed

Proficiency Test on the Determination of Gamma Emitting Radionuclides in SeaWater 2016-06-20

Chemistry Unit, Seibersdorf, IAEA / AL /175

Study of the Effect of Weather, Topography and Radionuclide on the TEDE in a Fire Scenario Involving a Dispersion of a Plume in the Atmosphere 2016-02-28

The Outstanding publication of the year 2016 -Tahar El Khoukhi and others

High background radiation investigated by gamma spectrometry of the soil in the southwestern region of Cameroon 2016-02-25

Tahar El Khoukhi and others

Annual intakes of 226Ra, 228Ra and 40K in staple foodstuffs from a high background radiation area in the southwest region of Cameroon 2016-02-15

Tahar El Khoukhi and others

137Cs baseline levels in the Mediterranean and Black Sea: A cross-basin survey of the CIESM Mediterranean Mussel Watch programme 2016-01-02

Tahar El Khoukhi and others

Assessment of population doses and radiation hazards from rock samples collected in the SouthWest of Cameroon 2016-01-15

Tahar El Khoukhi and others

Overview of the ERDS Project 2014-10-29

David Betsill

Environmental Radiation Detection Stations (ERDS) 2014-10-29

Al-Qaradawi, Al-Nemri and El-Khoukhi

Other publications

Most Precise Measurement of Energy Range for Particles Produced by Nuclear Reactors Reveals Surprises 2016-02-25

Glenn Roberts Jr

Atoms in Industry: Radiation Technology for Development 2015-09-29

Yukiya Amano, Director General, IAEA

Evaluation of Uncertainty in the Measurement of Environmental Electromagnetic Fields 2015-08-17

B. Vulevic and P. Osmokrovic

Radiochemistry Webinars - Advanced Partitioning Technologies in the U.S. 2015-02-16

Dr. Jenifer Braley

RMCC, Project Background 2014-10-29

New cooling methods for hpge detectors and associated electronics 2014-10-29

D. L. Upp, R. M. Keyser, T. R. Twomey
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